Monday, December 10, 2007


We spent Thanksgiving at the Lawler's this year and had LOTS of great pies, as is our custom, great food, and lots of fun! For those of you that aren't in our Thanksgiving tradition, I'll share it with you. I think everyone should adopt it. It started a long time ago when my mom would be slaving away getting everything ready for an enormous dinner and my dad would come in and sneak pieces of pie. She got tired of shooing him out and then having to argue with us ("but Dad has pie...Why can't I have some?" in the most whiny tone imaginable). Finally she gave up and just said, "Here! Have all the pie you want!" So she just started making extra pies and letting us have a free for all! Now we have Thanksgiving pie for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Then we have some turkey along with our meal of pie. It's GREAT! We all love it.

This year, Ryker tried to hang on for dinner, but just couldn't make it. For any of you that know Ryker and his sleeping habits, this is SO not typical:
And Granddad plopped this down on Raelin's plate, just to see what would happen. Unfortunately, I had no warning and didn't get a chance to take a photo of the initial look of delight and excitement. But here's Raelin gobbling (pardon the pun) up an enormous turkey leg.

And... Um... I have no explanation. Gina and I discovered that the napkin rings would fit just tightly enough in our eye sockets that we could wear glasses without ear pieces or nose pieces. Don't ask... We're retarded.