Sunday, April 19, 2009

An Easter Story I Can't Believe I Forgot!

We don't usually shelter our kids from real life stuff, even if it's sad or scary (unless it's TV, but then that's not real life now is it...) so on Easter when we were reading the Resurrection story from our egg hunt, we were telling the kids about the nails that were pounded into Christ's hands, wrists, and feet and we told them about the spear in his side and the crown of thorns. At one point, we were describing how they had pushed the long thorns into our Savior's head with a big rock and Ryker looked at me with tears in his little eyes and a pout to his little lip and said, "Why did they DO that!?" What a sweet, tender little guy! We explained that He suffered so that we could live; that He could have stopped it at any time but He chose to suffer all the awful things that the people did to Him so that we could live with Him again. And He did it because He loves us. I hope Ryker never loses that tenderness and I'm glad he has such a love for the Lord.


Vanessa said...

What a sweet story and what a sweet boy! Thanks for sharing.