Friday, October 2, 2009

Random--Last summer post

This post is mostly going to be pictures. I take LOTS of pictures of my kids and here are some of my favorites from this summer.

The kids have been so fun to watch grow this summer. I am amazed at how much they have bonded and grown to love each other lately. Raelin and Ryker play so well together and they are such good buddies. They both love Alaina and love to help with her and play with her. Alaina is just learning that they are fun to "play" with and she follows them around wherever they go.

Raelin's shirt is fitting for her pose, but I don't think she did it on purpose. She was just hamming it up for the camera.

Our sunflowers were pretty amazing this year. They were enormous!
Brice started off playing with Alaina, but anytime Brice is on the floor (which is often to play with all his kiddos--he's such a good daddy), Zuma thinks she should have all the attention. Jealous box!

I was playing with Ryker's hair and then he looked at it. His eyes went way crossed and I said, "Oh, Ryker, you have to let me get a picture so you can see what you look like!"
What is it with kids and dog water? I can't tell you how many pictures I have of Ryker drinking out of the dog bowl when he was little. At least Alaina tried to clean it up (with her bum and a towel).

I could take pictures of this baby all day. Okay, I'll admit it; sometimes I do.

She loves to chew on Otter Pops when she's teething.

But by the end, her little cheeks are all red from the edges of the wrapper rubbing on her face.
One day, Brice set the kids up on the porch with some tomatoes and tomatillos from the garden along with a few other ingredients and let them make their own salsa. They had a blast! I love how the pictures show their personalities so well; Ryker's cutting board is a jumbled mess of veggies while Raelin's is neat and organized.

It's been fun to watch what Alaina chooses to play with. She loves trucks and cars and tractors and she also loves stuffed animals and plastic animals. Actually, whenever she sees a real animal she squeals with delight and giggles whenever they get close to her. I love it! And of course, everything goes in the mouth. The dogs don't seem to mind slobbery tails or ears...

One day I found the kids playing camping. The little sneaks managed to get a hold of some real marshmallows and they were upstairs (another no-no for food!) roasting them on pens over their paper fire. I just couldn't scold them; it was too cute and clever!
Ryker loves to help in the kitchen. He calls it his special day whenever he gets a chance to help. One day, Brice let him (at least I think Brice let him--he may have done it of his own initiative...) make pancakes. He was so happy!
For some reason I don't have many pictures of us camping this year. But I promise we went a bunch of times. I think Zuma was hoping Ryker was going to share. Little beggar.
Well, that's about it. It was a busy, crazy, whirlwind of a summer and we had a great time!