Friday, January 21, 2011


Oh, boy.

So, I used to put Alaina in her crib for time out sometimes (we weren't getting the full effect from the time outs elsewhere in the house because she would just keep getting up). But then when she woke up in the mornings or from naps she started saying, "I stop it whiny!!" and that made me feel bad. So I started just putting her in her room and letting the isolation be the time out even though she has all her toys.

Yeah. So much for that. I just put her in timeout (and right before I closed the door she stuck her tongue out and razzed at me. Nice. Stinker) and within about 30 seconds I hear, "Got it! OUT!!!" and she waltzes out of her room all proud and smiling. Great. Just what I need. As if it wasn't bad enough that she's turning into a little snot, now she can open doors. Nothing is safe now...
See, like this! She's hiding in this tent, naked, sneaking crackers!! Never a dull moment!

Oh, and the other day, I totally shot my self in the foot because she needed to wash her hands but I was nursing Landon and instead of asking her to wait or interrupting Landon's meal, I said, "Go push the chair up to the sink and wash them yourself. DOH!!!" Now she uses that technique to get ANYTHING off the counters that she wants. Oh man! This little 2 year old is giving me a run for my money! She is into EVERYTHING!!!!

At least she's potty trained. Gotta be super grateful for that one! I think I'd be even more of a crazy person if I had to change TWO babies' poopy butts!


BreAn said...

This post made me laugh. She may be a stinker but she's so gosh darn cute! Good for you for writing all this down, so she can read it when she's older. :)