Posted by Morgan at 1:31 PM 0 comments
Posted by Morgan at 11:57 AM 1 comments
Do you like Raelin's haircut? Bangs and layers...they look pretty cute, don't you think? Well, there's just one problem: SHE DID IT HERSELF!!!! Yup, she's on her way to becoming a hairstylist. Her bangs were a little long and in her eyes, so I shortened them up just a little bit. But the rest was all her. Don't any of you dare tell her how cute her haircut is either! I'll never hear the end of it-- "But Mommy, I know how to do it! I can do a good job and I want it cut! I promise I won't mess up. I did it good last time!" Yeah, let's just not go there.
So I wrote this post a few days ago, but the pictures wouldn't load, so I just saved it. Guess what happened in the meantime. Yup, she took the scissors to her hair again. Yesterday, she was supposed to be taking a nap, but she snuck downstairs and CARRIED a chair from the kitchen to the living room (I would have heard her if she'd dragged it) and got scissors and candy off the top shelf of the bookshelves. She cut open the candy package and dumped all the candy into the recliner crevices and then she cut her hair and her clothes. Once again, it doesn't look too bad! Her hair, that is--the clothes are camping clothes now. Her bangs are a little short and the layers she added are only on her right side, but they are still cute layers! How does she manage that?!? I think we found her calling in life. She tells me what she wants me to do with her hair a lot--stuff that I wouldn't have thought of. After I do it how she tells me, I'm always stunned at what a cute idea it is! I don't have pictures of her newest haircut yet, but I'll get them up as soon as I can. I still have Raelin's birthday and Thanksgiving to catch up on--I got behind this month.
Posted by Morgan at 10:14 AM 3 comments
Posted by Morgan at 9:32 PM 3 comments
Posted by Morgan at 10:07 PM 1 comments
Check this out! This is where Brice and I lived when we first got married. Actually, our apartment is (was) just outside the left side of the frame.
Fires are devastating a good portion of the town (Running Springs--"Slide Fire"). It's a town of about 5000 people and over 200 homes burned to the ground. So far, I don't know anyone personally that lost their house, but no one is allowed up yet, so the info comes from people that didn't evacuate and that are driving around and posting what they see on the internet. Addresses are hard to come by when there isn't a house to post it on.
Also, our phone has been down for almost two weeks, so I have only been in contact via e-mail. My father in law is still up there. He was in the safest part of the mountain, but in the beginning when things were pretty uncertain, he still insisted he was going to stay up there and ride it out.
This last picture is of my good friend Sue. She and her husband stayed up there and saved their house! The house behind her isn't hers, but rather the house her kids grew up in. They live in a little community of about 100 houses and more than 30 of them burned. Jack and Sue have spent the last few years building a new house in the same community and Brice has helped on several of their projects. Jack even did his own cabinetry and it's a work of art. I'm SO glad they didn't lose their home!
The fires are on day 4 in the mountains and one of them (yup, there's two) is 70% contained (the one that's between my parent's old house in Lake Arrowhead and my in law's house in Crestline--"Grass Valley Fire") and the Running Springs/Slide fire (where Brice and I lived) is only 15% contained which the firefighters did overnight last night--yesterday it was still 0% contained.
Pretty crazy huh!
Posted by Morgan at 9:10 AM 0 comments
So, this little almost four-year-old girl says the most amazing things! The way that she puts words together is beyond her hears. Unfortunately for her, hearing those sorts of things coming from such a little mouth makes us grown ups laugh and she thinks she's being laughed at. I know because I still remember when I was a kid and grown ups would laugh at me and didn't know why--I thought I had said something clever or intelligent and they thought I was funny. Now I get it, but then back then I was really hurt. Poor kids. Anyway, since she won't hear anyone's laughter, I'll tell you some stories about her grown up way of talking. The other day Angel and I were in the car talking and Raelin asked a question. Angel and I found my answer amusing and Raelin said, "I see nothing funny here!" to which Angel and I just laughed harder. Poor Raelin looked so forlorn! But she is just so CUTE!
This morning we were eating breakfast and Raelin was talking about some lions from a story and she said, "He wasn't nice to him when he was a little kid. A cub, I should say." What three-year-old says that!?! I love it! In this picture, she's a mommy with a baby in her tummy. She loves to play house with Ryker and she always wants a baby in her belly, even if she's the daddy.
Ryker is such a boy. Throwing, hitting, trucks, mud, all that good stuff. Until it comes to shoes... He loves to put on shoes. He tends to find girl ones more often than boy ones. So in this picture, my little girly-man is vacuuming like a good little housewife in his high heels with his tractor purse. That's a backhoe hanging from a camera strap slung over his shoulder. He cracks me up!
And he loves to have his hair done. Usually I just put a pony tail on top, but this time he brought me two hair ties so we did pig tails. What perfect little bangs! Hilarious!
Posted by Morgan at 8:22 AM 4 comments
Well, here are the pictures of Raelin and me that are pretty similar. Not as similar as I pictured in my head, but still pretty cute. Raelin looks more like her Daddy and her Mimi I think. Still, a couple of cute kids. Raelin is usually covered in Band-Aids as well--if Brice hasn't already used them all... And Raelin's fond of showing off her panties just like I appear to have been. Though, I remember very much disliking dresses and Raelin likes them, so that's a bit backwards in this pair of photots.
Posted by Morgan at 9:22 PM 0 comments