Friday, April 17, 2009

Easter, bipolar weather, haircuts and other goings on

We're doing this completely out of order because the pictures always load out of order and I don't feel like cutting and pasting today. I gave Ryker a much needed haircut today (pictures to follow in some future post) and Raelin asked if she could have a haircut. I get tired of raking a brush through her hair, seeing her chew on it, and trying to keep it out of her face and out of her food. So she got a haircut today too and it is really cute! She is really happy with it too. It's shorter than she told me she wanted it because I didn't realize that her shoulders were scrunched when I made the first cut, but I don't think she's realized that so don't tell her!

I just can't do it, I have to cut and paste so things are in order from here on. The haircut was today, but these pictures are from Easter. It was a really nice day and I was excited to think that spring was finally here. I was deceived. We (well, I) decided that this year I was going to teach my kids a thing or two about holidays and candy. Holidays are NOT about candy (except for Halloween)! So this year they got a few small toys and a few pieces of candy in an Easter basket and then they had an Easter egg hunt for eggs that were not filled with candy, but rather with the story of Easter. You know, the one from the Bible. Some anonymous person set up a hunt like this at my parents house one year so I coppied that. There were 12 eggs and in each one was a piece of the story and a little token to go along with it. There was a palm leaf to represent the ones waved at Jesus as he came to Jerusalem on a donkey, a cross (duh), a nail, some throns, etc. And that was it. No candy-filled eggs at the Somers' house this year! And I really liked it. I hope I can get Brice on board to keep that as a tradition, but I think he still thinks Easter is about candy. ;)

On Monday, I went to my parents' house to pick up some things and to check on it while they were in California. It was a BEAUTIFUL day! I had fun taking pictures of the kids and the kids had fun running, climbing, playing, and being out of the house!

They look like sweet little angels don't they. Well don't let them fool you! They sneaked toys into Grammie's house after I told them they couldn't and then they lost them and didn't even care enough to go look for them. They were new Easter toys too! Ungrateful swine! I was really ticked off about their lack of gratitude and appreciation for the fact that they live a life of luxury compared to most. I was also tired of being more upset when their toys get lost or ruined than they are. I was fuming as I drove home and I called Brice and told him I'd had it and I was taking away all their toys except for two for a month to teach them a thing or two about appreciating how blessed they are to have toys. He said he'd proposed that a while back. Why, oh why didn't I listen!!? So that night we did pack up all but 4 of their toys (Brice is a softee and let them have two more than I was going to give them). I don't know that they are learning to appreciate their toys, but the house sure is cleaner!If you ask me, that's WAY too many toys for two kids to own; and that's not even all of them! They have some that are stored high in their closets and some in the attic. Anyone need any toys? Seriously, come and get 'em if you need some!

Okay, back to our beautiful day in the momentary sun...

Ryker was trying to pull this tree down. Ummm, right, good luck with that.
Raelin climbed all the trees she could. She sure loves to climb. I can't tell you how many times she's been stuck in trees or on the outside of tunnel slides. One time she got stuck in a tree and when I went to find her, I almost didn't see her. She was at least a good 20 feet up a big pine tree! Kind of impressive if you ask me.

Two days later, the snow returned. Stinking bipolar Utah weather! I am SOOOO sick of snow! But here's Alaina all bundled up and ready to go sledding. Yes, there was enough snow to sled.
Finally happy (or at least not crying) right when it was time to go. It had been so cold that it was taking her breath away, but she didn't like having her head in my jacket because she wanted to see.

We played until the kids were cold and I had to carry the sleds to the car to leave. They wanted me to carry them but there was just no way I was going to do that!

These are some little shoes I crocheted for Alaina. I used the biggest hook that I have for this kind of crocheting and they just barely fit! She has the biggest feet ever!

And here I caught a sneeze on camera:

This is what happens when dogs want to play and cats don't know they want to play.

(Brice was determined to get a picture of her hissing at him (the dog, not at Brice). I thought it was cruel to allow the torture to continue, but the cat and I lost that argument.


Unknown said...

Morgan, I'm in LOVE with those darling hats and shoes. Did you crochet those hats too? Awesome. Love the idea for easter and the toys too! We have a cupboard in Mia's room that has 3 small shelves with toys for her. We don't allow for any more. Claire has 2 baskets of treasures, one in her room and one in the living room. I'm still picking up toys all the time. Good plan you got!

Vanessa said...

Love the pics, love the shoes, love the haircut, love all the toys packed away! :)