Monday, August 2, 2010


Our 8th anniversary was on Tuesday and we had a GREAT day! Gina and Toby watched the kids (THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!) for us so we could have the day to ourselves (Landon came with us, of course, but he's easy--he doesn't talk). Brice and I wanted to go hiking and find a cave so we looked around on the Internet for a while and then we picked one we thought we'd be able to find (they don't tell you where any of them are unless you're part of a caving club--it helps preserve the caves and keep stupid people who don't know the first thing about the outdoors from getting themselves killed--caves are dangerous!). We started our hike and it was STEEP!! I'm pretty much a complete wuss about heights. If I don't have like three things to hold on to (yes, I realize I only have two hands), I'm totally chicken. This super-steep hike was on loose dirt and rocks (at least, they felt loose to me) and there was a one-wrong-step-and-you're-falling-to-your-doom cliff on one side of the trail. And this cliff wasn't like a foot or two from the trail; it was RIGHT THERE. Talk about walking on the edge! So we hiked for a while and Brice loved it because it was one of the few times in our married life that his damsel has been in distress and needed rescuing. Apparently guys love that. He was almost giddy to be my knight in shining armor and hold my trembling hand to practically pull me up the mountain (my arms and back were sore the next day from clinging to him for dear life). I must admit that I was giddy too, but from intense fear. Part way up, we decided that this might go a little better if Brice carried Landon. Having a helpless baby to protect on this treacherous expedition wasn't helping my fear or anxiety, or my coordination. But when I took Landon out of the carrier, I realized he was hungry. So I stopped to nurse him and Brice decided to go scout around for a few minutes. He was gone longer than a few minutes, but since I hadn't heard any rock slides, I was pretty sure he was safe. In fact, I was kind of hoping that he'd found the cave and was taking a peak inside at least a little because I was feeling like, unless the rest of the trail was NO WORSE than where we'd been, it just wasn't safe enough to go any further with Landon. Brice finally got back and said that it gets a LOT worse and that he found the cave (but didn't want to go in without me--plus it's not very smart to go into a cave alone anyway) and only made it back by the power of prayer. Yeah, end of that hike! Down we go! I pretty much slid on my butt the whole way down (and discovered that it wasn't as slippery as I'd feared on my way up... But still steep! Much safer sitting down; I don't get vertigo when I'm sitting on the edge of sudden death, only when I'm standing on the edge of it). We made it (safely) to the car and decided to go watch a movie at the dollar theater and then go for another hike so as not to hike through the hottest part of the day. We went and saw Iron Man 2. I must say that the Iron Man movies are my favorite comic book movies. Tony Stark cracks me up! Then we went down to Payson to hike a trail I'd seen a sign for a long time ago that I though sounded like fun. It's a short hike that's all in the shade and ends at a waterfall that's in a little grotto, hence the name Grotto Trail.It was a nice, cool hike that we decided to take the kids on soon. It had lots of footbridges and creek crossings that the kids would love. Then we decided to go to another dollar movie (Brice loves going to the movies and spending a grand total of $4 for an anniversary sounds great when you're on a tight budget!) and we saw Robin Hood. It was a really fun and simple anniversary celebration. We had a great time being together and I especially enjoyed getting to spend time with Brice (awake) without kid interruptions.


melissa said...

That was a really fun story to read! I'm glad you didn't fall to your doom. HAppy anniversary!