Friday, April 16, 2010

Alaina's signs and belly pictures

I've wanted to put together an album of baby signs with the other kids, but never got around to it. But this time, I'm finally doing it. So here are some of the signs Alaina uses that I was able to get pictures of:
"Please" (says "eeeese")
"Thank you" (says "tee-too")
"Water" (says "moe-moe" ) The ASL sign for water is three fingers up making a "W" tapping next to the mouth, palm forward. Since I took this picture, Alaina has modified her version to three fingers up tapping her cheek with her palm facing backward. It's so interesting to me how the signs change as kids try to copy just right.
"Cracker" (says "cckka-cckka" with something like a French accent--the "c" sound is kind of garbled in the back of her throat)
"Banana" or "Bread" (she just kind of flops her hands back and forth for both of these words, but when I guess the right one, she rocks back and forth and laughs or nods her head "yes")
"Food" (says "foo")
"Shoes" (she uses this sign for both socks and shoes even though the signs I use with her aren't even remotely similar)
"Potty" She usually gets that thumb tucked into her fist more like the ASL sign. She's been doing GREAT about signing to me when she needs to go (pee OR poop!!!). She's even signing BEFORE she goes! But, alas, she won't actually go in the potty. She just wants to tell me about it. But we're getting closer! Yay!
She uses lots of other signs that I don't have pictures of yet, but I'll keep working on it. Raelin used a lot of signs also, but she'd drop them once she could say the word. So the set of signs she was using at any given time was smaller than Alaina's because Alaina uses ALL of her signs ALL the time! She really seems to enjoy trying new signs and seeing me recognize what she wants to talk about!

And here's my huge belly:
I have several friends that are due around the same time as me and they are all TINY! What is the secret, girls? Please share! (Shauna, Briana, Karly...?) I was huge with Alaina too and I was working out regularly, so it must just be how my body carries these days. But it sure does make moving around difficult. I was trying to work on building a bassinet for the baby, but I had to give up! Any of you that know me well know that that's hard for me. It's not uncommon to see me out in my yard wielding a chain saw, so to be foiled by a router-and-hammer project is rather frustrating. Sometimes I think I'd prefer the rib kicking from Raelin's pregnancy. Though I'm sure if I had that, I'd still be complaining about it, wouldn't I. Ah, well, at least it's mostly in the belly and not spreading all over my body (yet). All in all, this has been my best pregnancy and I have fewer complaints and a lot more excitement. It's really mostly just heartburn that's killing me (and I've tried everything!). The belly-in-the-way impediment has only started being a problem in the last two weeks or so and it's just kind of annoying.

And here's a cute hairdo I did for Raelin the other day. She wanted a star in her hair. It turned out really pretty!
When the bangs dried and came down on her forehead, the front looked better than in this picture, but her smiley little face is the point here. She was so happy! I love seeing her happy.


Jordan said...

Been SO long since I've checked in on you!! Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog to remind me...I have been trying to spend less time on the computer! Your family is so adorable...and you growing belly is darling!

Vanessa said...

What a great post! So much information! :) I love all the signs, so cute and so great that you have it documented her doing them. I love your belly! You are not huge, you look great! I love Raelin's hair, totally a star! Looks so great! I love her smile too!

Briana said...

I clicked on your blog just to see the belly! I think you are adorable! I really haven't been eating or exercising like I should. I have been getting fat everywhere, REALLY, you have to believe me. I have a long torso so I don't poke out like I wish I did! But I feel huge, I don't fit in anything, even half my maternity clothes... and I say, if you eat good and exercise, don't worry about anything that happens to your body, it goes away, right?. It better!

NicholsSouth said...

Omgoodness, you are far from huge!!! LOVE prego bellies!! Plus everyone carries differently AND you are on your FOURTH child!! :) You look great! And go Alaina with all the signs!!! *thumbs up*

Gina said...

I can't believe how huge you are. Man you should really do something about that or go to a Dr. or you are way to big!!

Just thought I would agree with you. hehe.

To be honest from what i can remember you look the best this pregnancy...not that you looked bad with any of the other ones but you are all belly and you look way happier too!!